Employee Engagement in a Post-Pandemic World

About this webinar:

Our ways of working have been disrupted and probably changed forever as a result of the pandemic of 2020.

Two years on, as organisations fight for scarce talent and look for better ways to both engage and retain that talent, a number of fundamental and important questions are being asked by senior Business and HR leaders as they look to update and re-align their people strategies with the changed economic conditions and business requirements.

The survey, the follow up results and analysis webinar looks at current responses to these changed market conditions in the UK, with a key focus on the following important areas:

 What’s happening with employee engagement

➼ The impact on pay, benefits and allowances

➼ The impact on ‘ways of working’

➼ The impact on leadership and management

➼ The impact on structure and culture

➼ How the results may differ across different industries

➼ The way forward for 2022

Paul Hunter

Principal, People. Performance. Reward.

Lindie Braxton

COO & Account Director, Braxton


Caroline Gammon

HCM Market Specialist for IRIS Software Group


Adam Capper

HCM Market Specialist, IRIS Software Group

Eva Mrazikova (Moderator)

Accountancy Market Specialist, IRIS Software Group

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