Make the most of your time by transforming invoice management

About this webinar:

In a busy environment, its sometimes difficult to take a step back and look at ways to improve processes.
We’ve done that for you.
In this session we look at how automation can help you manage invoices. Say goodbye to misplaced documents, delayed timelines, and frosty conversations with suppliers.
The session includes:
•   How to save hours of staff time
•   Improving accuracy and maintaining compliance
•   Increasing trust-wide invoice and payment data visibility, access and analysis

Hosted by: 

Andrew Finck

IRIS Financials specialist, IRIS Software Group

Dave Parker

Market Specialist, IRIS Software Group


Samantha Tennakoon

External Stakeholder Engagement, HMRC Making Tax Digital Programme


Gillian O'Dea CA

Director, J H Greenwood and Company

Eva Mrazikova (Moderator)

Accountancy Market Specialist, IRIS Software Group

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