In-house or managed payroll, what’s right for your business?

About this webinar:

When it comes to managing your payroll, paying your employees accurately and on time isn’t something that you can afford to get wrong. In fact, in a survey conducted by the Workforce Institute they found that 49% of employees would look for a new job after two payroll errors and a staggering 24% after one!

But, with so many different options on the market and so much at stake, how do you find the right fit for your organisation?
Don’t worry, we’re here to help you sort through the noise!

In this webinar, our experts will guide you through the various options in terms of managing your payroll in-house or oustourcing to a trusted provider, empowering you with the knowledge to find the right fit for you.

We will be covering:

• Mapping out your requirements, key questions to ask yourself
• Software vs managed service and the benefits they deliver
• Software – how cloud-based technology can support payroll processing in-house
• Managed services – showcasing the benefits of having access to CIPP-accredited professionals to manage the process for you
• A live Q&A session

Don’t miss this opportunity to determine your perfect payroll solution, sign up today! Can’t make it? We’ll send you the recording to catch up on demand.

Meet your speakers:

Zac Street

Payroll Specialist, IRIS Software Group

Safwan Kayat

Payroll Specialist, IRIS Software Group


Samantha Tennakoon

External Stakeholder Engagement, HMRC Making Tax Digital Programme


Gillian O'Dea CA

Director, J H Greenwood and Company

Eva Mrazikova (Moderator)

Accountancy Market Specialist, IRIS Software Group

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