What’s the real cost of staff absences to your MAT or school?

About this webinar

LA maintained schools spent £0.7 billion on supply and agency teachers in the financial year 2022-23 to keep students in classrooms and lessons running. But the real cost stretches further than the bottom line, from increasing the workload of other employees to the correlation with poorer student performance.

Watch as we spoke with Nicola Johnson, Director of People and Culture at Prince Albert Community Trust, for first-hand insight on how the trust is responding to the challenge of staff absences.

Nicola also shared how they’re using our school HR software (Every HR By IRIS) to get more visibility over the reasons behind absences. And in turn, improving attendance and reducing the cost of supply!

Why watch?

1. See how increased visibility over absence levels is helping this trust to spot patterns in who’s taking time off – and why

2. Understand how you can get to the root cause of absences and encourage more open conversations with staff about attendance

3. Realise how you can be using trends in long-term sickness data to make proactive interventions that support staff wellbeing


Matthew Brown

Every HR Sales Manager at IRIS Education

Nicola Johnson

Director of People and Culture at Prince Albert Community Trust


Samantha Tennakoon

External Stakeholder Engagement, HMRC Making Tax Digital Programme


Gillian O'Dea CA

Director, J H Greenwood and Company

Eva Mrazikova (Moderator)

Accountancy Market Specialist, IRIS Software Group

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