Turn payday into yay-day with HR & payroll integration

Get access to the recording of our HR and payroll revolution webinar!

Are payroll errors turning your payday into a nay-day? Discover the keys to transforming it into a YAY-day with our exclusive webinar on HR and payroll integration.

Why watch?

As the cost of living remains a significant concern, the pressure is mounting on business owners, HR teams, and payroll professionals to ensure seamless paydays.

Shockingly, according to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), over a third of individuals have STILL had to chase their employers for their pay at least once. Even more alarming is the fact that 35% of employees would consider leaving their jobs if paid incorrectly.

So, our experts at IRIS Software Group, Lizzy Barry (HR Director), James Kenyon (Senior Account Executive) and Stuart Bate (Cascade Product Expert) joined forces for a webinar that explored the main causes of payroll errors in today's challenging economic landscape and how to overcome them.

As well as learning how HR and payroll integration lay the foundation for a robust and efficient payroll process, we also discussed:

The benefits of integrating HR & payroll.
Improving the connection between HR and payroll teams for seamless collaboration.
Showcase a payroll overtime screen, designed to help managers streamline processes.

And much more!

Don't let payroll challenges jeopardise your talent pool! Watch back this session where they unravel the secrets to a flawless payroll system.

Get access now for a payday transformation!


Lizzy Barry

HR Director , IRIS Software Group

James Kenyon

Senior Account Executive, IRIS Software Group

Stuart Bate

Cascade Product Expert, IRIS Software Group


Gillian O'Dea CA

Director, J H Greenwood and Company

Eva Mrazikova (Moderator)

Accountancy Market Specialist, IRIS Software Group

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