Empowering UK Businesses: Data-Driven Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Solutions with Fair HQ

About this webinar:

In today's dynamic business environment, ensuring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is both a moral imperative, a strategic advantage, and often a regulatory requirement. UK businesses face distinct challenges and opportunities in this journey and oftentimes don't know where to start.

Join us in this educational webinar as Fair HQ showcases a scientifically-backed, data-driven solution tailor-made for SMEs and large businesses, addressing their specific DEI challenges and ensuring compliance with the latest regulations.


Kate Pljaskovova

Founder & CEO at Fair HQ

Dave Parker

Market Specialist, IRIS Software Group


Samantha Tennakoon

External Stakeholder Engagement, HMRC Making Tax Digital Programme


Gillian O'Dea CA

Director, J H Greenwood and Company

Eva Mrazikova (Moderator)

Accountancy Market Specialist, IRIS Software Group

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