Make the Most of Your Time With Integrated Financial Planning

About this webinar:

When things are busy, it’s vital to do anything you can to reduce manual processes and eliminate the possibility of errors – particularly when it comes to financial planning.
On this webinar our product specialist Helen Dowsett gives an overview of IRIS Financial Planner, and how it can save you hours and increase data integrity when planning and budgeting.
The session will cover:
  • What IRIS Financial Planner does, and how it can help your trust
  • How seamless integration with IRIS Financials provides confidence in your data
  • How the above can save valuable time across your trust
Hosted by:

Helen Dowsett

IRIS Financial Planner Specialist, School Business Services

Andrew Finck

Education Pre-Sales Consultant, IRIS Software Group


Vicky Matthews

School Effectiveness Advisor, Lincoln Anglican Academy Trust


Lauren Whateley

School Relationship Manager, Bookmark Reading Charity

Eva Mrazikova (Moderator)

Accountancy Market Specialist, IRIS Software Group

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