The SEND Crisis: Maximise funding for your school

About this webinar

There are 1.7 million school aged children with SEND needs in the UK and this number keeps rising - putting the education sector under significant pressure.

Resource and funding challenges in schools adds further strain. Securing additional funding is critical to support pupils and the staff who support them.

Funding is available to help schools support SEND pupils - but applications can be complex and time consuming. support.

Watch the Webinar Now

During this session we’ll explore:

key drivers of the SEND crisis

funding available to schools and tips for successful funding applications

how PAGS can help you to collect evidence to support EHCP applications and high needs funding.

If you are a finance lead looking to maximise funding options, or a SENCO in a schools or trust – this session is not to be missed.

Watch the webinar today.

Meet the speakers

Tia Sohi

Sector Led Improvement Partner and ex-SENCO

Stephen Close

Product Director, PAGS

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