Unlock your power with Cascade Payroll Managed Service

About this webinar:

Against a backdrop of economic uncertainty and legislative changes, if your payroll is becoming too complex and too significant a burden, is it time to review your payroll strategy and consider outsourcing your payroll? Join us in this exclusive webinar as our experts discuss how you can unlock your power with Cascade Payroll Managed Service (CPMS) and achieve greater certainty around your payroll.

We are delighted to be joined by our customer Claire Easy FCIPD, HR Director from Castle Water, who shared her insights on navigating a switch of providers and the implementation of CPMS.

Claire was joined by Caroline Gammon, HCM Market Specialist, Lynn Gaunt, Regional Operations Manager, and Claire Treadwell, Product Director, to introduce CPMS.

In this webinar we will discuss:

  ➼ How to decide if managed payroll is right for you
  ➼ What the implementation process looks like
  ➼ The benefits of moving to a managed solution

Are you ready to unlock your power?


Caroline Gammon

HCM Market Specialist, IRIS Software Group

Lynn Gaunt

Regional Operations Manager, IRIS Software Group


Claire Treadwell

Product Director, IRIS Software Group


Claire Easy FCIPD

HR Director, Castle Water

Eva Mrazikova (Moderator)

Accountancy Market Specialist, IRIS Software Group

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